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Call for Papers – Special Collection on “Distanced data collection: remote data collection and online experimentation”

Call for Papers – Special Collection on “Distanced data collection: remote data collection and online experimentation”

Posted by Alan C. L. Yu on 2022-10-25

Call for Papers – Special Collection on “Distanced data collection: remote data collection and online experimentation”

Guest editors: Florent Dueme, Indranil Dutta, Katerina Iliopoulou, Laurel Lawyer, Yu-Jung Lin

Research in laboratory phonology has evolved rapidly over the past few years to include novel and innovative ways to gather data while operating within the constraints of imposed distance.  This includes changes in ways we approach field work, making use of technological advances to facilitate gathering data and working with participants without requiring the researcher to be physically present.  At the same time, novel advances in online experimental methodology have likewise allowed for the collection and presentation of speech data in virtual environments, as an alternative to traditional laboratory-based experimentation.  

As these innovations become a part of the ‘new normal’ in research, we propose to assemble a collection of articles for Laboratory Phonology which document and discuss recent research making use of these methods for the benefit of the wider community.  We invite papers that address the opportunities afforded and challenges presented by conducting linguistic fieldwork and experiments which utilize remote collection, whether due to the pandemic, participant availability, or other issues such as political or climate-related factors, which make remote data collection beneficial. 

Example of research topics suitable for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Web-based speech data collection
  • Conducting perceptual experimentation online
  • Comparisons of lab-based and remote data quality
  • Methods for conducting remote field work
  • Using remote data collection with lesser or under-studied languages
  • “Big-data” experiments with many hundreds or even thousands of participants
  • Experiments comparing some linguistic phenomenon in different geographically distant languages.

This special issue has a two-step submission. In order to assess the relevance of the proposed papers, we ask you to submit a short abstract before article submission. The abstract will be evaluated based on the suitability of the proposed research for the special issue. If your proposed research is not suitable for the special issue, it can still be submitted as a regular Laboratory Phonology journal submission.  Please note that acceptance of your abstract does not guarantee the acceptance for publication of your article. The editorial team has the right to reject articles.

Abstract length:

Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed 250 words excluding figures and references. Submitted abstracts must be in .pdf format. 

Abstract deadline: January 8 (NIUE time).

Abstracts should be sent to

Notification of abstracts acceptance: January 20, 2023 

Articles should adhere to the author guidelines of Laboratory Phonology found here: Contributions that do not meet the relevance criteria for this special issue can, of course, still be submitted to Laboratory Phonology as regular submissions.



  • Abstracts deadline: January 8, 2023 (NIUE time)
  • Notification of abstracts acceptance: January 20, 2023 
  • Article deadline: May 31, 2023 (NIUE time)
  • Notification to article authors: August 31, 2023