Distanced data collection: Remote data collection and online experimentation
Research in laboratory phonology has evolved rapidly over the past few years to include novel and innovative ways to gather data while operating within the constraints of imposed distance. This includes changes in ways we approach field work, making use of technological advances to facilitate gathering data and working with participants without requiring the researcher to be physically present. At the same time, novel advances in online experimental methodology have likewise allowed for the collection and presentation of speech data in virtual environments, as an alternative to traditional laboratory-based experimentation.
As these innovations become a part of the ‘new normal’ in research, this special collection assembles articles that document and discuss recent research making use of these methods for the benefit of the wider community. These papers address the opportunities afforded and challenges presented by conducting linguistic fieldwork and experiments that utilize remote collection, whether due to the pandemic, participant availability, or other issues such as political or climate-related factors, which make remote data collection beneficial.
Journal article
Working with Public Involvement Coordinators to support remote collection of high quality audio speech data
Rana Almbark, Sam Hellmuth and Georgina Brown
2023-12-28 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2023
Also a part of:
Collection: Distanced data collection: Remote data collection and online experimentation
A Process for Measuring Lip Kinematics Using Participants’ Webcams during Linguistic Experiments Conducted Online
Peter A. Krause, Ryan James Pili and Erik Hunt
2024-05-29 Volume 15 • Issue 1 • 2024
Also a part of:
Collection: Distanced data collection: Remote data collection and online experimentation
Investigating differences in lab-quality and remote recording methods with dynamic acoustic measures
Cong Zhang, Kathleen Jepson and Yu-Ying Chuang
2024-10-01 Volume 15 • Issue 1 • 2024
Also a part of:
Collection: Distanced data collection: Remote data collection and online experimentation
Acoustics of guttural fricatives in Arabic, Armenian, and Kurdish: A case in remote data collection
Koorosh Ariyaee, Chahla Ben-Ammar, Talia Tahtadjian and Alexei Kochetov
2024-06-18 Volume 15 • Issue 1 • 2024
Also a part of:
Collection: Distanced data collection: Remote data collection and online experimentation
Where speech sounds meet the architecture of the grammar and beyond
Distanced data collection: Remote data collection and online experimentation
Phonological Categories: Identification, representation, implementation
Prosody and Speech Processing across Languages and Varieties
Techniques and Methods for Investigating Speech Articulation
Abstraction, Diversity, and Speech Dynamics
Prosodic Variability
Multiplicity of cues and functions in prosody
Advancing Prosodic Transcription